Gtelco’s Internet Content Harmful to Minors Policy
The following disclosure describes the network practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms for (“Gtelco”, “LightBurst Broadband” or “Company”) pursuant to Utah Code §76-10-1231(1) “Data service providers — Internet content harmful to minors” requirement. Information about Gtelco’s other policies and practices concerning broadband are available at
As an Internet service provider, Gtelco, upon a consumer’s request, offers filtering of content to prevent the transmission of material harmful to minors. Gtelco partners with the hardware and software manufacturer of our consumer Internet router equipment to provide this service to our customers for a commercially reasonable cost. Gtelco and our partner provide the tools (physical equipment and software application) to our customers to allow the consumer to build a filtering profile for content that they deem harmful to minors. By default, Gtelco does not apply any filters to Internet content and it is the responsibility of the consumer to use the provided tools to create and apply content filtering to Internet content delivered to their home or business.
Gtelco’s goal is to ensure that all of its customers experience a safe and secure broadband Internet environment that is fast, reliable and affordable. Gtelco wants its customers to indulge in all that the Internet has to offer, whether it is social networking, streaming videos and music, to communicating through email and videoconferencing.